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How to cancel sending an email in Hotmail (Outlook)

Forgot an attachment? Did you get the wrong recipient? Want to call back an email that went out too soon? Do not despair! Today, it is possible to reverse or undo an email sent. Here we will tell you how to unsend an email specifically in Hotmail / Outlook.

Unsend a recently sent email

on Microsoft Exchange you can unsend an email you sent by mistake, incomplete, with misspellings, etc. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Open your folder of “Sent messages” after your message has left the server.
  2. At the top in options, click “Actions
  3. Then click on “retrieve this message”.
  4. Choose the reason option and continue by clicking “To accept”.

Retrieve an email and unsend it from the web


In Microsoft Outlook too you can create a rule to delay sending all emailsconfiguring Outlook options.

  1. Go to your “File” menu in Outlook.
  2. Choose the option “Manage rules and alerts”
  3. Choose the available option “New rule”
  4. Now click “Apply the rule to messages I send” and click Following.
  5. On the next screen, check “defer delivery for several minutes”.
  6. Now choose the available option “several minutes”.
  7. Choose the time you think is prudent to recover your emails: from 1 to 5 minutes.
  8. Now check “Finish”

In case you want to cancel any mail that has been left «locked» in the outbox, proceed as follows:

  1. Access your Outbox (via the side menu on the left)
  2. Find the email to recover
  3. Simply open it to cancel the shipment.

Important note: this mechanism only works with Microsoft Outlook software. Setting Outlook this way doesn’t allow you to cancel sending a hotmail email sent through the Outlook mobile app or the web version of email.