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How to cancel the Amazon Prime subscription or unsubscribe

Amazon-Prime is the premium version of the best-known online shopping provider in the world, which decided to withdraw this membership to offer its customers lower shipping costs as well as audio and video streaming services.

Although all these advantages are attractive, they entail an expense that many cannot afford, which is why we are going to show how cancel amazon prime subscription so that they do not charge you any surcharge.

What advantages will we lose by canceling Amazon prime

It is important that you consider what you will be able to do once you decide not to continue with this version of Amazon:

  • prime offers. There are several products that are only offered if you have this membership.
  • product shipments. All these they are free and sometimes they are even only sent in case the client is Prime. Also included here is the shipping in less than 24 hours or even in 2 hours for some cities.
  • You will lose access to series and music. Since these are included in the price of the Prime, so if you want to continue with them, you will have to pay them separately.
  • Advantages in Twich. By unsubscribing you will also lose access to Twich premium channels.

Steps to cancel Amazon Prime subscription

  • Since this link You will directly access the configuration of your Amazon Prime subscription.

  • Sign in with your name and password.

  • Once inside click on your name and in the drop-down that opens, look for «My Amazon Prime subscription«.
  • You will see a list with all the advantages that you have included in the package. If you scroll down to the bottom you’ll see where it says “End membership and benefits«.

  • You will have to reconfirm the cancellation of the account and you will get an offer similar to the one above. Confirm by clicking several times on «Cancel and give up my benefits» until you reach the end.

Turn off auto-renew on Amazon Prime

When creating the Amazon Prime subscription, if nothing is changed the following month, we will be charged the cost of the membership once the 30 days free subscription. To avoid being charged, follow these instructions:

  • With your Amazon session started, go to My Account > Program Membership and Subscriptions.
  • Select active subscriptions to see if Amazon-Prime is still not deactivated.
  • Look at the renewal date and if you want to cancel, click on “Terminate my benefits” > “Terminate my subscription” to avoid further charges. If you click on “Cancel and give up my benefits” you will completely deactivate the Prime account.
  • Please note that after you cancel your subscription you will be able to enjoy all the services until the date it ends.

Ultimately, if you can’t do it yourself, we recommend that you contact Amazon by phone for free as we explained in our article.

How to request a refund for my Amazon Prime subscription

If you have come this far, it is because your account has been renewed even though you have cancel your automatic subscription to Prime; You still have an option to try to recover your money, although you must meet a series of requirements:

  • Not using any of the Prime services in said billing period. That is, neither place orders on Amazon with the Prime option, nor watch movies or series on Prime Video, etc.
  • That no more than 24 hours have passed after renovation. This is not essential, although it helps.

If you meet these requirements, you should contact the amazon customer service either by mail or by phone. you can even try open a claim on amazon If you don’t get response by above methods.

Frequent questions

Can the Amazon Prime Gaming subscription be canceled?

If you just want to stop using Twich, the simplest thing is to unlink your account by going to the Twich website and going to Settings > Connections > Amazon > Disconnect

How to cancel Amazon Prime from mobile?

The process is similar to that of the PC, you must enter the Amazon app and go to: My product subscriptions> Choose the subscription you want to cancel and click Edit> Cancel subscription> Confirm.

Cancel or deactivate Amazon Prime subscription?

There is a subtle difference between both things; If you cancel your Prime account, once the billing month has passed, you will stop enjoying its services and you will not receive any notice or bill. If you deactivate the automatic subscription, you will simply receive a notice saying that you must renew your subscription, but you will not be charged anything if you do not renew, although, obviously, you will no longer be able to use Prime services.

How to cancel an annual Prime subscription?

The process is the same as with the monthly subscription, you just have to keep in mind that you must do it before the deadline, otherwise it will be automatically renewed.