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How to create an account or sign up for Netflix

Entertainment and television have changed a lot since the arrival of the Internet in our lives. And even more so since the invention of streaming platforms: movies and series in HD (4k), exclusives and a ad-free platformthat’s Netflix, a subscription service.

Netflix offers in its catalog thousands of series, films, documentaries and even music, which you can enjoy connected to the Internet through the TV, a mobile device (phone/tablet), a computer and practically any device with an Internet connection. Also hire netflix It is very simple and only takes a few minutes.

Create a Netflix account from PC

Creating an account from a computer is a very simple process. Prior to sign in to netflix, or proceed to register the new account, you will need to have a mobile phone number, an email address and a debit or credit card ready. Here are the steps to create a new account from PC:

  1. Go to the official website entering, Netflix will switch to your language and country automatically.
  2. Press the button “try now«.
  3. Choose the subscription plan pressing the button «See the plans«. You can see 3 plans, choose the plan that best suits your budget:
    1. Essential: no HD, no ultra HD, only 1 screen at a time, multi-device, all movies and series.
    2. Standard: with HD, without ultra HD, 2 screens at the same time, multi-device, all movies and series.
    3. Premium: with HD, with ultra HD, 4 screens at the same time, multi-device, all movies and series.
  4. Enter your email Y passwordremember to include lowercase, uppercase, some number and symbols, so it will be a secure password.
    Create Netflix account screen
  5. Press the blue button «Check in«.
  6. Configure your payment method: Netflix allows several payment methods to subscribe, among them, you can use a VISA, MasterCard or even in certain countries you have PayPal for payment. Ahh, maybe you got lucky and got a «gift code» from Netflix, take advantage of it by paying with it!
  7. Finish the payment process entering the usual data of a credit/debit card: name and surname, complete card number, expiration date and CVV code (normally on the back of the card).
  8. Done, registration completed successfully! Now you can sign in to netflix from any device and start enjoying your favorite series and movies.

Create a Netflix account on Android / iOS

To proceed to create your Netflix from a mobileyou can do it the same as we have mentioned for PC only using the browser of your smartphone or iPhone, although it can be a bit complicated and there is also a Netflix app designed for these terminals, whether you use Android or iOS.

Netflix sign up screen
Create Netflix account screen
  1. Download Netflix and install the application (if you already have the app installed, you can skip this step):
  2. Opens the application.
  3. Create Netflix account. Click on “Join now” or “Try one month for free” (Join free for a month, in English) to skip to the next screen.
  4. choose a plan according to your possibilities. Prices range from $8 to $15 for the most advanced version with 4k quality and multiple simultaneous connections.
  5. Enter the email and password that you want to use for your account.
  6. Choose the payment method you prefer, between debit card, credit, gift card or PayPal. It will ask you for a series of personal data and the CCV number to confirm.
  7. Press the button “start membership» You will finish the process and your account will be fully activated for Netflix, and can be used on Android, iOS, Windows, Smart TV, MacOS and many more, but always with the same login data.
    Netflix sign up screen
    Create Netflix account screen

As you read, after all this you will only need to give log in on any of those devices and everything you’ve seen, your history and so on will be loaded when you switch devices and sign in with that account.

If you decide to change your mind or no longer want to be a Netflix customer, you can always delete your account or unsubscribe following the steps of our tutorial.