Google Chrome has become one of the most used browsers by the average user, allowing many ways to customize the experience and even install digital certificates in google chrome what is so lacking today to use the electronic ID and manage our procedures with the administration or to access certain web pages.
What is a digital certificate and what is it for?
As we have already mentioned, to use our electronic identity document, it is essential either to have [email protected] PINwith our username and password, or with a digital certificatewhich by installing it in our browser, allows us, among many other things:
- Sign and consult official documents (registration, our clinical history, tax return, etc.).
- Manage various forms, such as the personal income tax return, unemployment renewal, submit various applications, etc.
- Consult traffic fines.
- Submit appeals and claims without having to go to the town hall.
- Access a specific website.
How to get a digital certificate
As you already know, this type of certificate is as if it were your personal signature that is installed in your browser, so in order to obtain one you have to go to the National Currency and Stamp Factory (FNMT), luckily you can access your website from here.
If you follow the steps indicated in the order they appear, in less than an hour you should have received your digital certificate to import it into your browser.
To save you time and despair, we must indicate that Google Chrome it usually fails at the time of install digital certificatesas these are not compatible with Chrome, so we recommend that you use the certificate you just obtained with Mozillasince it works 100% for these cases.
How to import digital certificates in Google Chrome
Although it is true that the certificates issued by the FNMT will not work for you, it is always good to know how to add them in case one day they fix this from the government:
- To start you must copy in your browser the following url chrome://settings/
- You can also go to Settingclicking on the upper right corner, on the three points.
- now go to Privacy & Securityand then click on Security on the right side, you will have to go down a bit to see it.
- In the new window that appears, scroll down and click Manage certificates.
- You will have the option to import the digital certificates in chrome clicking on “import”.
How to export digital certificates in Google Chrome
For export your digital certificate and use it elsewhere, you’ll need to follow these steps:
- As before, go to Setting clicking on the three points.
- Then go down to Privacy & Security and click on «security«.
- Click on «manage certificates«, to go to the list of all your digital certificates in Chrome.
- Click on «export» to download the digital certificate to your device.
- These exported certificates are saved on your hard drive, so if you have to delete your browser for any reason, you will have that backup.