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How to start a conversation on Tinder

Tinder is a dating app that focuses on finding people near you, with the particularity that you can only communicate with those who have a matches on Tinder. Once you meet someone you can chat as much as you want for free and discover if that person can become someone special.

However, at the beginning it is normal that you have doubts about the use of Tinder and how to start making your first contacts. In this little guide we give you all the keys to launching yourself into having your first successful conversations.

Open a chat on Tinder

Assuming that you have achieved a match, in order to talk to your new contact you must do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Tinder account and in the upper right corner click on the chat bubble.
  2. All your matches in Tinder and you can send them a chat by clicking on their respective conversations.
  3. Remember to turn notifications on Your Profile> Settings> Notifications> Push notifications so that a message arrives on your mobile and you can find out instantly without having Tinder open.

How to chat on Tinder

Now that you have managed to take the first step, we are going to give you a series of guidelines to be able to start a conversation on Tinder in a pleasant way with the person you just met:

  • Look at his profile. Read his biography or look at her photos to get a glimpse of her likes, interests, etc. For example, if you see that you really like skiing, hobbies are always a good conversation starter.
  • Ask questions that are clever. Do not fall into the typical what do you do? Or what are your hobbies? Try to have some personal in them, are you more of cinema or theater? If you had a plane, which country would you travel to?, etc.
  • Try to answer in detail, without going over. By this we mean, don’t answer just monosyllables, but don’t answer entire paragraphs either, as that can overwhelm the other person.
  • write correctly. Finding a message full of misspellings or as if you were writing from your mobile by shortening words, denotes a lack of care or maturity.
  • Avoid talking about your exes at first or make it the only topic. It stands to reason that you want to know everything about the person, but it’s not a good opening topic, and your conversation partner might think you’re not over your relationship if you’re just talking about your exes.
  • be yourself. The person you are meeting has to fall in love with your personality, so show it to them without fear, this way you will save future friction or surprises.
  • Be careful not to be too direct.. Many people don’t like being flirted with from the first message, or receiving/asking for compromising photos. Let the conversation flow and everything will go much better.

5 Ideas to Start a Conversation on Tinder

  • It’s okay to say hello. You can add something of yourself, such as what you are looking for at that moment.
  • Be interested in your interlocutor. Instead of being interesting or looking for convoluted conversation topics, try asking him things that he is passionate about, or if he has already told you about a hobby, ask him more details about it.
  • Find common ground. Although you have not done exactly the same thing, similar things may have happened to you, for example «how interesting, the same thing happened to me when I went on vacation to xxx«. This also goes for favorite bands or similar types of music.
  • ask for advice/opinion. And it is that everyone likes to give their opinion, it is a good way to see their tastes and experiences without being annoying.

Now you have the keys to start your first conversation and have more chances of success. Remember that you can always use the option find someone on Tinder to recover a conversation or locate profiles more in tune with you. Good luck in your search!.